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Picturing Perfect

Picturing Perfect - Melissa  Brown Check out my other reviews at Reading Books Like a BossMy Rating: I received an ARC from the author in exchange for an honest review.“Just because things aren’t as you pictured them, doesn’t mean they’re any less perfect.”Picturing Perfect was a cute, heartwarming story and the perfect summer read. I adored the characters in this novel and their journey to find love and happiness. This is my first Melissa Brown novel, but certainly not my last. I will most definitely read the other novels in her “Love of my Life” series, especially since I know Jason Kelly will be in them. Please note that you do not have to have read the other books to enjoy Picturing Perfect.What I love most about Hadley is her resilience and determination. Despite being put in rather unfortunate circumstances repeatedly, she comes out shining. Her father passed away of pancreatic cancer, which led her mother to go into a deep depression. As a result, Hadley lost her mother’s comfort and friendship. After a trip backpacking around Europe, Hadley develops a severe case pneumonia, and since she is unable to teach, Hadley is without a job.If that’s not enough, her boyfriend, Tucker, (sidenote: I can’t say his name without it dripping with disgust and hatred) is a complete loser. Tucker is more concerned with his appearances, his career, and with himself than his relationship with Hadley. And don’t even get me started on his evil mother. Hadley, you deserve better! Hadley ends up pregnant with his baby, and when she works up the nerve to tell Tucker (ugh), his knee-jerk reaction is to encourage her to get an abortion.“Tucker was my safe place for three years, my secure dock in a sea of indecision as I dealt with my father’s illness and death. And now I had to sink or swim. It was time to let go and move on. Slowly, I pushed off from the dock that was Tucker Montgomery and prepared to swim…praying I wouldn’t drown.”Things start looking up for Hadley after she gets a new job at a Sunnydale Association, a center that teaches lifeskills to developmentally disabled adults. What started out as a temporary job because she was too sick to return to teaching, becomes something more. She is a natural with working with her students and becomes fast friends with her co-workers.Enter Jason Kelly. Hadley has been in love with her Jason Kelly, her best friend, Auden’s, brother since she was a teenager. Little did she know, that Jason’s feelings were reciprocated, but neither of them had a chance to tell each other how they felt. As adults, they get their chance. Their relationship was reminiscent of Harper and he-who-shall-remain-nameless (to avoid any spoilers) in Taking Chances. Jason Kelly is the perfect man. There, I said it. He stepped up to the plate when Tucker (eww) wouldn’t. He supported Hadley through her pregnancy and beyond when the child wasn’t even his. His dedication and devotion to Hadley was remarkable and incredibly touching.“Thats the most beautiful thing I’ve ever read,” I said.The red t-shirt simply said, “Once in a while, in the middle of an ordinary life…love gives us a fairy tale.”“It’s how I feel,” he said, swallowing hard. “I think I”ve been in love with you since I was fifteen years old.”Sometimes life just happens and things don’t turn out the way you plan. This is something Hadley learned and the end result was more than she could likely have dreamed. If you’re looking for a cute summer read that will make you feel like you’ve been surrounded by a warm hug, this is for you.